Social Media Impacts on Community College Athletes

Social Media Impacts on Community College Athletes

Last week I was asked by my college to share a presentation on the impacts of social media on community college athletes. I have taught two Social Media courses at Phoenix College since 2018 and genuinely love this topic focused on athletics as each semester my classes are typically made up by approximately 25% student-athletes.

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The LinkedIn Top 10: Profiles from NBA Starters

The LinkedIn Top 10: Profiles from NBA Starters

As an NBA fan and social media professor, I salivated at the thought of joining my two passions together in an article on the best NBA LinkedIn profiles. To put this article together as objectively as possible, I only selected from players that were starters on an NBA team, as documented by ESPN’s updated depth chart. My interest

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How I Made it Seven weeks without a Car in Phoenix

How I Made it Seven weeks without a Car in Phoenix

Well it all started on September 8th on what is remembered (at least by me) in the valley as the great Phoenix flood. My car happened to be stationed in a hapless parking lot that did not have any type of drainage. This wasn’t major issue until we got over 6 inches of rain this

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Downtown LA is not the Ghetto

Downtown LA is not the Ghetto

Mixed Feelings Ill admit that most of my reasoning for liking or disliking a city tends to be directly correlated to how I feel about their basketball team. I love new York because I love the Knicks. I hate Miami because I hate the Heat. And LA, well don’t get me started on that bandwagon

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Gladiator Run on St. Patricks Day

Gladiator Run on St. Patricks Day

So to start off St Paddy’s day, a buddy of mine and I decided to run the Gladiator run in nearby Goodyear, AZ.  The course is not long (5K) as is standard for this type of obstacle laden course, but it was not necessarily easy. Of the obstacles I remember, they were: 1. Walls to

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