Great Client?

Great Client?

So last week I get a call from a woman in New Jersey who is interested in having my company help her husband’s ophthalmology practice (eye doctor) gain more Hispanic business in urban New Jersey. I dont usually entertain the thought of working for such a small company because it almost never seems to work out, but as

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Gladiator Run on St. Patricks Day

Gladiator Run on St. Patricks Day

So to start off St Paddy’s day, a buddy of mine and I decided to run the Gladiator run in nearby Goodyear, AZ.  The course is not long (5K) as is standard for this type of obstacle laden course, but it was not necessarily easy. Of the obstacles I remember, they were: 1. Walls to

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My first Blog Post

As I have written blogs for a while on other channels, this isnt technically my first blog post, but actually the first one I have ever wrote on my own channel. I have put this off for almost a month so I am glad to finally be doing it.  Today is the Super Bowl and

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