What the Light Reveals

What the Light Reveals

I watched the sun rise this morning. I had embarked on a 5-mile lake-loop trail run before dawn and now admiringly observed the cold, dark sky disappear into a swallow of pale yellow light. As I rounded each corner of the long-traversed trail, I began to view more and more of the passage ahead of

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The 2016 Beer and Burger Diet – A Man’s Dream?

The 2016 Beer and Burger Diet – A Man’s Dream?

Trying a new Beer Diet! What can I say, I love a beer diet. When I completed my successful return to the 170 pound weight class this past October,  I just wished I had another reason to do another diet a bit sooner. I started to think, “Why does the beer diet have to be an annual event? Is

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Does PHX Startup Week Need a Hispanic Track?

Does PHX Startup Week Need a Hispanic Track?

This week kicked off the 2nd annual Phoenix Startup Week. PHX Startup Week, started by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs, is a week-long, Valley-wide showcase and celebration of Arizona’s entrepreneur community. My team at Coworking on 15th Ave had the pleasure and honor of hosting the Hispanic Track that took place at our location in the heart of central Phoenix.

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